Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Art of Writing and My Writing Career

Hi, my name is Paris L. Matthews. I am a writer and a poet. My book is coming out in a couple of weeks. It is a book of my original poems. The book is called The Images Of Me. Look for it online or in the stores for $14.99 here shortly. Let me tell you about myself. I have been writing short stories and poetry since the age of eleven. My favorite poets are Emily Dickinson and Maya Angelou. I went to Kenmore High School. I studied O.W.E. and Business Co-op. I went to college at the University of Akron and I studied Theatre Artts and also Creative Writing. When I was younger I wanted to be a famous and successful actress. Then throughout the years my interests, goals, dreams, and aspirations changed. I would love to be a very successful and famous writing/poet. I am currently working on my second book. It is a book of short stories about depression/anxiety, mental health, science fiction, and paranormal activity. I hope that you all will buy it, read it and enjoy it. I hope that it becomes a best seller. I dream big. lol.

Writing is just as fundamental as reading. I believe if you are a good reader, then you can possibly become a good or even greater writer. You have to have a knack for creativety. You have to be able use appropriate grammar and punctuation. You MUST ALWAYS proofread your work for any typos and/or mistakes. You must edit and revise your work. There are tools that you have to use such as: Coming up with a title, setting the plot, creative a story that will grab your potential reading audience, in the ending of the book you should leave the reading audience amazed and eager to purchase your next book.

Coming up with different ideas for your stories should not be mind boggling. Of course, you do have to brain storm. You can do things like carrying a pen and pad everywhere you go, so that when you have an idea for your book, you want forget it. Here is an excercise that you can do. This really helps me. First you want to come up with names of you character for your book. But, quite naturally if it is an autobiography then you don't have to worry about character names. You want to jot down possible titles for your book. You must start a story with something you will want to invest the time and effort into. As a writer or poet, you should spend at least 30 minutes to and hour writing something everyday to better your skill and keep ideas fresh in your mind. Even, if it is not the project that you are currently working hard at. It could very well be, a few poems that have been at the back of your head. I know that even I should spend more time on my projects and trust me I'm a starving artist trying to be discovered and making it to the top. But, I will admit I have too much time on my hands. So, you ask yourself and as well as me asking much time am I going to devote to this particular project? Because, when all is said and done and you are ready to submit your work to the publishers, you take a deep breath and you realize that you may have created a bestseller. I encourage you to keep writing and don't forget to read about writing and better your skills. I look forward to seeing you at the top. Afterall, the sky is the LIMIT!!!

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